Asynchronous Checks

Checks can be asynchronous when using the constructor AsyncCheck instead of Check. In this case the execution of the check does not block the progression of the execution of the scenario.

This is useful to implement checks that must wait for a certain amount of time, or wait for events to perform checks. For instance, with this we can add a check that waits 10 seconds and checks that the receiving node has handled the proposal.

fn main() {
Check ("Node has handled proposal after 10s", Continue_on_fail, (fun (msg, _) -> 
  match msg with
  | Proposal header -> (
    let hash = Block_header.hash header in
    Lwt_unix.wait 10. >>= fun () ->
    Helpers.get_node_block b1 (`Hash (hash, 0)) >>= fun _ ->
    | Ok _ -> return true (* block known *)
    | Error _ -> return false (* block not known *)
  | _ -> return true